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Thai Massage  $95 

This massage is done fully clothed. It works on traditional Thai sen lines. It rejuvenates and releases stiffness with firm pressure and gentle stretching leaving clients feeling more flexibility and greater vitality.  60 min

Read about our experience studying it in Thailand here.

Customized Polarity Session   $115

All energy work is done fully clothed and includes massage, releasing energy blocks and some work off the physical body.  Depending on your mental, emotional and physical needs, we combine our varied skills to provide you with the most loving, healing, transforming experience based on our assessment of your goals and dreams. Our modalities include Polarity, Reiki, Heart Lotus Evolution and Cranial Sacral.   This work can be life transforming!    90 min

Customized Massage. 60, 75 or 90 min. sessions $85, $100 & $115

Together we come up with a plan to meet your needs and goals combining massage, polarity and cranialsacral work. From deep tissue to the subtlest energy work,  we collaborate to create the best session for you. We have experienced working with all types of clients. If you are pregnant, have cancer or have had cancer, please let us know when booking a session so that we may assure that you have a safe and appropriate treatment. You will experience the powerful effect of body work done with conscious touch.

Ayurvedic Face, Scalp and Foot Treatment         $100

The Ayurvedic face, scalp and foot treatment is an experience reflexing to the entire body that uses the ancient wisdom of Indian healing to help transform the body and mind. After this treatment, clients feel relaxed, not only on a physical level, but on a mental level. approx 60 min

Hot Stone Massage    $145

Feel your muscles melt as the warmth of the stones soothes and releases them! Tired of being cold and stiff? This is the solution! Note: this work is not appropriate if you are pregnant, have cancer, diabetes or certain other conditions. 90 minutes

CranialSacral  Therapy $85

CranialSacral Therapy is a light-touch approach that can create dramatic improvements in your life. It releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. Focused primarily on the central nervous system, it releases those tensions that inhibit the body from performing at it's best. Approx 55 min.

Reflexology    $50-$85

Reflexology produces a deep relaxation and rejuvenates your organs. Pressure is always adjusted to your comfort level. Clients love the experience and the benefits.  30 or 60 minutes

Duo Massages    price varies

Enjoy any of our massage services with a friend or partner. We offer the same customized massages for 60, 75 or 90 min. Please call to reserve and make a plan at 207-210-4511.