I really love non-invasive skin care treatments like microcurrent. LED light is another treatment that gives your skin new energy and promotes cell renewal.
Receiving LED light treatment is a great add on to a facial at Munjoyous…Your Neighborhood Oasis. It’s a simple process involving shining patches of light on sections of your face It’s painless, but profoundly effective. I brought my light along with me when we were traveling in the car and gave myself daily treatments. I miss those days! My skin was looking awesome.
It’s not laser treatments. LED light uses lower energy and the rays are diffused and unfocused. It’s not sun light. LED light does not have the damaging UV rays that come from sun. LED light works by triggering a cellular response in your skin cells. It’s especially helpful for improving fine lines and sagging that occurs with aging due to the slowed reproduction of elastin and collagen. Did you know that every year after 30, 1% of our elastin and collagen reproduction is diminished? LED red and amber light triggers cell energy that creates elastin and collagen.
Inflammation! There I said it. It’s a chronic problem for us. From eating sugar, exposure to toxins, alcohol, stress…you name it and it probably causes inflammation. Inflammation influences the aging process and skin is affected in several ways by inflammation. But LED light therapy reduces inflammation. Yahoo!
There are some other benefits too.. In addition to reduced inflammation there is improved circulation, which pulls toxins away from the skin and flushes them out in the blood. Accelerated healing too. Blue LED light is antibacterial and is used effectively to treat acne. Red and Amber LED light minimizes the appearance of pores, fine lines and wrinkles immediately by causing a plumping effect in the skin. It also helps to prevent environmental damage and gives your skin radiant glow, Glow is good.
There are lots of things we can do for our complexions that don’t involve painful invasive medical treatments. LED light is a great option in a facial. Call Munjoyous…Your Neighborhood Oasis today and schedule your LED light treatment. Call 207-956-7780